Director - Melissa Pitman

3 year old's - 1st Grade

This is the first of a classroom-type setting. Each week, your child will be with a caring teacher and learn from a fun, prepared lesson plan. The purpose is to expose them to the Gospel and teach them the principles of the faith. It is astonishing how much your child will learn in these classes specifically tailored for children from three to  six years old. They will come home singing fun songs, quoting verses, displaying their crafts, and sharing with you important truths they are learning from the Bible. They will learn things like the significance of obedience, being kind, sharing, and even more important truths, like Who Jesus is, and the fact that God loves them and made them for a unique purpose. The teachers and workers are experienced, dedicated, compassionate, and excited to be a part of your child's life.

Second Grade - Sixth Grade

While the main worship service is going on, your child can be in an engaging class specifically designed for their age. In a junior church service that is as full of energy, and excitement as they are, they will learn the good news of Jesus Christ, how He died for their sins, and that they may have eternal life.  During this critical age range, your child's ability to memorize Bible verses and to comprehend more significant truths from the Bible really accelerates. They will learn impacting truths from the Bible that will stick with them for the rest of their lives. They will memorize Scripture, participate in games, and make great friends. Services and activities create a life-building experience through the big ideas in God's Word, the Bible!

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